Saturday, January 4, 2014

We Got a Rattler Problem!?

Hello...Hello??? I am not sure if any one is out there anymore or ever were. If you were, I apologize I have had a severe case of project ADD. I have been able to recently work on something I have had sitting on my bench for nearly a year. I have been so bad.

I give to you my Baby Rattler from my favorite game world ever Deadlands.

Here he is waiting on my "mobile command center." This is how he sat waiting for me to work on him.

He is made from a Reaper Bones Purple Worm with Tentacles from a Reaper conversion sprue and a Monsterpocolpse by Privateer Press (My son Loves those things.) And I like farming them for tentacles, they have been cheap at my local 5 Below stores.

Here he sits awaiting some flock and gravel to round out the base. I also plan to make a gargantuan version (5x5 base at least0 out of the insulation foam I have been stock piling in my garage.

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